Q How many children are in the clubhouse and what is their average age?

A There is a small teacher/child ratio of around 7:1; typically there are 5 or 7 children throughout the day. Children three to five years old are welcome. Upon approval of The Clubhouse staff older children are accepted for special events.

Q What are your hours of operation?

A We are open from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm Monday through Thursday and until 12:30 pm on Fridays for the observance of Shabbos. Each family may create an individualized plan within those hours as needed.

Q Is The Clubhouse a licensed daycare?

A Since we are under the minimum requirement of children for a license the clubhouse has not yet registered as a licensed daycare. If our child count increases to meet the quota needed for the license we will begin the application process. Never-the-less, we still meet all space safety requirements for a Colorado Daycare Facility.